CE Jacobson Elementary

Welcome to C.E. Jacobson Elementary 

pawC.E. Jacobson Elementary School offers a solid basic skills program from Kindergarten through Grade Six. Small class sizes allow for personal attention and curriculum adjustment to suit the needs of all types of learners.  

Staff members strive to integrate subject matter and design appropriate lessons to meet both individual students' and group needs. Specialists work with students in several areas: physical education, instructional media center, and music.  

In addition, intermediate students may broaden their experiences by participating in band, choir, and student council.

A caring staff encourages students to respect people and their property, to develop and demonstrate a healthy sense of pride, and to take responsibility for their actions.

Student Handbooks

Please click on the following link to view the 2024-2025 Elementary handbook:

CE Jacobson Handbook 24-25

           School Supply List
Click on the link below for the 24-25 school supply list:

School Supply List 24-25

School Hours  

School Begins: 8:10am
Tardy Bell: 8:15am
Bus students dismissal: 2:55pm
Parent pick up dismissal: 3:00pm

closingSchool closings/weather emergency information will be available at the following:

WCCO TV - Channel 4
KSTP TV - Channel 5
KARE TV - Channel 11
WCCO Radio - 830AN
WCMP Radio - 100.9FM
WCMP Radio - 1350AM
Looking Ahead
Sept. 2:  Labor Day, no school
Sept. 3-4:  "Get to Know You Days"
Sept. 5:  First regular day of school (Elem.)
Sept. 18:  Elementary School Pictures
Sept. 27:  Student Flu Clinic
Sept. 27:  Candy bar fundraiser begins
Sept. 30:  Staff Development, no school
Oct. 4:  Mid-Term

See/Say Something
See Something Say Something

C.E Jacobson Elementary  is providing a convenient and confidential way for anyone to report information about situations that might affect safety at school.  Anyone can access the See Something Say Something link any time - day or night to report concerns about bullying, unsafe, or potentially disruptive activities or situations. Examples could include drug or alcohol abuse, weapons, harassment, threats for personal or building safety.