Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO)
*IMPORTANT- "a pupil is bound by notifying the school district by May 30th (IN WRITING) if they are going to do PSEO for the following school year." The PSEO Contract can qualify as a form of writing.
Additional PSEO Information from MDE:
College & Military Visit Schedule
If you are interested in learning more about college and military visits, or to meet with a recruiter, please contact the College and Career Counseling Office.

Transcript Requests
Transcript forms are available in the counselor's office. Fill out the form and return it to Mrs. Kirchberg's desk. For most purposes, she will mail the transcript directly to your school or scholarship organization. If you need to have an "official" transcript given to you, please note that on the form. She will then place the transcript in a sealed envelope and give it to you. Do NOT open it; turn it in or mail it in its sealed form.
Contact the College and Career Counseling Office for a list of scholarship opportunities and for the Local Scholarship Application.
A great way to learn about a college is to go on a college visit!
Juniors and Seniors are able to take two college visit days each year. To go on a visit: * Call the college admissions office and set up an appointment. * Bring a note from a parent at least 2 days in advance , requesting to be excused from school. Remember to bring this note to the counselor's office, not the principal's office. * Get a blue pass from the counselor's office and take it to your teachers to get your work.
Graduation Requirements
In order to receive a Rush City High School Diploma, students must earn a minimum of 21.5 credits in grades 9-12. Click on the following link for more information about graduation requirements, including specific course requirements.
Rush City High School Graduation Requirements