Staff Directory

Rush City District Office Staff   (320) 358-4855

Stavig, Brent Superintendent
 [email protected]
Erickson, Christy Bookkeeping/Accounting Coordinator [email protected]
Hatz, James Technology Coordinator    [email protected]
Nordstrom, Andrew Facilities/Grounds/Transportation Director [email protected]
Quigley, Kerstin Business Manager [email protected]
Rood, Lee Activities/Community Ed Dir. [email protected]
Rustad, Brianna Payroll Specialist [email protected]
Sybrant, Beth Exec. Administrative Assistant [email protected]

Rush City High School Staff    (320) 358-4795

McDonough, Coleman High School Principal [email protected]
Abress, Linda Paraprofessional [email protected]
Anderson, Dirk Special Education Teacher [email protected]
Berry, Jennifer Administrative Assistant [email protected]
Bingham, Mark Math Teacher [email protected]
Bridley, Kiera Special Education Teacher [email protected]
Buchmann, Teresa Business Ed Teacher [email protected]
Carpenter, Elizabeth  English Teacher [email protected]
Clarkson, Kati English Teacher [email protected]
Connors, Joseph Dean of Students [email protected]
Cornelius, Gretchen School Nurse [email protected]
Crippen, Candi Paraprofessional [email protected]
Engel, Adam Social Studies Teacher [email protected]
Fitcher, Ashley  Spanish Teacher [email protected]
Frazier, Kristie Food Service [email protected]
Gotwald, Molly Food Service Supervisor [email protected]
Groh, Katie Assistant Nurse [email protected]
Hagen, Patty Jo Special Education Teacher [email protected]
Hamilton, Sara Speech Language Pathologist [email protected]
Hatz, James Technology Coordinator [email protected]
Hicks, Jeff Paraprofessional [email protected]
Holmstrom, Jaime Band Teacher [email protected]
Jennrich, Ka Bao English Teacher [email protected]
Jeska, Kayla
Physical Education Teacher
Kirchberg, Carrie Administrative Assistant [email protected]
Knutson, Anne Counselor [email protected]
Knudson, Tami Science Teacher [email protected]
Kuchenbecker, Dan Art Teacher [email protected]
Lakeberg, Cynthia
Special Education Teacher
[email protected]
Lakeberg, Joseph Phy Ed / Health Teacher [email protected]
Locker, Tiffany Special Education Teacher [email protected]
Lalonde, Michelle Student Resource Officer [email protected]
Martin, Thomas LTS Teacher [email protected]
Matzke Stoltz, Erika Social Studies Teacher [email protected]
Monson, Jim Math Teacher [email protected]
Monster, Cathy Administrative Assistant [email protected]
Morgan, Matthew Paraprofessional [email protected]
Nelson, Chris Maintenance [email protected]
Odonnnell, Mike Special Ed / Speech [email protected]
Olson, Eric Ind. Arts/Ag Teacher [email protected]
Olson, Stephanie English/Social Studies Teacher [email protected]
Pulkrabek, Abigail Paraprofessional [email protected]
Ramstad, Amy Program Coordinator [email protected]
Ramstad, Michael Custodian [email protected]
 Reisdorf, Tim Math Teacher [email protected]
Reynolds, Alicia Paraprofessional  areynolds@rushcity,k12,nn,us
Risland, Eric Math Teacher [email protected]
Risland, Julie Media Paraprofessional [email protected]
Rosa, Mary Jo Paraprofessional [email protected]
Sauter, Samantha ADSIS Program Coordinator [email protected]
Stransky, Darcey Paraprofessional [email protected]
Swanson, Brent Career & College Counselor [email protected]
Taylor, Brenda Paraprofessional [email protected]
Telander, Eric Science Teacher [email protected]
Thao, Leng Science Teacher [email protected]
Thill, Charlotte Math Teacher [email protected]
Vaughan, Mike Social Studies Teacher [email protected]
Wagner, Clinton Custodian [email protected]
Wiener, Melissa Administrative Assistant [email protected]
Wirtz, Kate ADSIS Program Coordinator [email protected]
Wolfe, Michelle Food Service [email protected]
Wood, Shannon Choir [email protected]
Woodruff-Sims, Nariah School Psychologist [email protected]
Zemke, Jennifer Food Service [email protected] 

C.E. Jacobson Elementary Staff (320) 358-4724

Nelson, Alicia Principal [email protected]
Berens, Jessica Kindergarten Teacher [email protected]
Blatz, Heidi Food Service [email protected]
Bolduc, Lee Custodian [email protected]
Bradford, Debra LD Special Ed Teacher [email protected]
Cardinal, Brandon Paraprofessional [email protected]
Cardinal, Nathan Paraprofessional [email protected]
Connors, Joseph Dean of Students [email protected]
Cornelius, Gretchen School Nurse [email protected]
DeDominces, Carol Food Service [email protected]
Ehrreich, Steph Special Ed Teacher [email protected]
Emmerich, Barbara Interventionist [email protected]
Erdman, Kim 3rd Grade Teacher [email protected]
Fealy, Therese ADSIS Behavior [email protected]
Feten, Hannah Counselor [email protected]
Franklin, Ginny Paraprofessional [email protected]
Giller, Brekka 4th Grade Teacher [email protected]
Goldenstein, Gara Media Specialist [email protected]
Gotwald, Molly Food Service Supervisor [email protected]
Groh, Katie Assistant Nurse [email protected]
Grummons, Jenna 6th Grade Teacher [email protected]
Gunderson, Kelly Kindergarten Teacher [email protected]
Gustafson, Amy 2nd Grade Teacher [email protected]
Halbert, Kim 1st Grade Teacher [email protected]
Hamilton, Sara Speech Language Pathologist [email protected]
Hanson, Ali  DAPE Teacher [email protected] 
Hathaway, Kelly 3rd Grade Teacher [email protected]
Hatz, James Technology Coordinator [email protected]
Hedberg, Melanie Paraprofessional [email protected]
Hoffman-Larson, Russell Paraprofessional [email protected]
Holmstrom, Jaime Band Teacher [email protected]
Holmstrom, LeAnne Custodian [email protected]
Horn, Amanda LTS Teacher [email protected]
Johnson, Greg Paraprofessional [email protected]
Johnson, Holly Art Teacher [email protected]
Karvonen, Sue ADSIS Teacher [email protected]
Kielsa, Robyn Paraprofessional [email protected]
Kirby, Paul 4th Grade Teacher [email protected]
Kruse, Martha Administrative Assistant [email protected]
Kruse, Melody Food Service [email protected]
Kurvers, Mary Curriculum Instruction Assessment Coordinator [email protected]
Kvam, Jeanne Paraprofessional [email protected]
Lalonde, Michelle Student Resource Officer [email protected]
Lamere, Michelle
[email protected]
Malewicki, Crystal 4th Grade Teacher [email protected]
Martin, Thomas LTS Teacher [email protected]
Martuscelli, Sondra 1st Grade Teacher [email protected]
McQuisten, Chelsea Paraprofessional [email protected]
Melin, Karen Paraprofessional [email protected]
Mohr, Anne Paraprofessional [email protected]
Monson, Maureen Paraprofessional [email protected]
Mosimann, Jennifer Food Service [email protected]
Nelson, Emma 5th Grade Teacher [email protected]
Nelson, Jessica Paraprofessional [email protected]
Nelson, Laura 1st Grade Teacher [email protected]
Newkirk, Sarah 4th Grade Teacher [email protected]
Olson, April 6th Grade Teacher [email protected]
Olson, Nichole Paraprofessional [email protected]
Paul, Holly Paraprofessional [email protected]
Patton, Maria Custodian [email protected]
Peters, Donna Title I [email protected]
Peterson, Angela Title I [email protected]
Peterson, Cassandra Student Support Services Provider [email protected] 
Piel, Erin 5th Grade Teacher [email protected]
Pillar, Tabitha  Media Paraprofessional [email protected]
Plante, Bobbie Special Ed Teacher [email protected]
Plautz, Kaylin 2nd Grade Teacher [email protected]
Records, Meghann 6th Grade Teacher [email protected]
Rood, Anne 5th Grade Teacher [email protected]
Roper, Deanna Paraprofessional/Tiger Care [email protected]
Sarago, Kim Administrative Assistant [email protected]
Schmidt, Wendy Kindergarten Teacher [email protected]
Sorenson, Christa Paraprofessional [email protected]
Steele, Alexis Special Ed Teacher [email protected]
Stock, Kellie Music Teacher [email protected]
Sybrant, Michael Maintenance [email protected]
Tracy, Ryan Paraprofessional [email protected]
Tubbs, Mary Food Service [email protected]
Twingstrom, Renita Paraprofessional [email protected]
Vandekamp, Brooke 2nd Grade Teacher [email protected]
Waschenbecker, Jennifer Special Ed Teacher [email protected]s
Waters, Erin Title 1 Teacher [email protected]
Woodruff-Sims, Nariah School Psychologist [email protected]
Yaroscak, Alyssa 2nd Grade Teacher [email protected]
Zegarski, Whitney Physical Education Teacher [email protected]
Zeltinger, Alissa 3rd Grade Teacher [email protected]

Rush City Early Childhood Staff  (320) 358-3635

Anderson, Judy Paraprofessional [email protected]
Biermaier, Angie  Paraprofessional  [email protected] 
Cameron, Jessica Paraprofessional [email protected]
Guse, Stacey Teacher [email protected]
Johnson, Dawn ECSE Teacher [email protected]
Kobberdahl, Deanna ECSE Teacher [email protected]
Moulton, Randi Paraprofessional [email protected]
Schroeder, Melissa Administrative Assistant [email protected]
Sieling, Sara Early Childhood Coordinator [email protected]
Stavig, Laura Paraprofessional [email protected]
Stepp, Kathleen Paraprofessional [email protected]
Thelin, Racheal Paraprofessional [email protected]

Rush City Bus and Van Drivers (320) 358-3562

Nordstrom, Andrew Transportation Director [email protected]
Tollefson, Brittany Transportation Coordinator
Barton, Patrick Van Driver [email protected]
Bennett, Kevin Bus Driver [email protected]
Berry, Shayla Bus Driver [email protected]
Foote, Shelby Van Driver [email protected]
Klick, Ryan Van Driver [email protected]
Klick, Victoria Van Driver [email protected]
Nelson, Summer Van Driver [email protected]
Mevissen, Linda Bus Driver [email protected]
Monster, Marvin Bus Driver [email protected]
Nelson, Dawn Bus Driver [email protected]
 Sillijendahl, Jerome Bus Driver [email protected]
Takala, Mathew Bus Driver [email protected]